比如買【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜?可以直送到府或超商取貨 再也不必大包小包的扛回家
而且通常比店面便宜 如果剛好又有活動就更能撿到便宜
最近在網路上看到【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜? 覺得價格很實在 深得我心
以下是【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜? 的介紹 如果也跟我一樣喜歡不妨看看喔!
Outside the 60-degree viewing angle, the filter projects a vibrant gold shield
On average, 25% more clarity than standard 3M? Black Privacy Filters
Gold, glossy finish for incredible clarity
Provides a beautiful high-contrast, high-resolution quality you expect
Perfectly suited for most of today’s high-resolution monitors and displays
Landscape orientation. Touch not compatibe.Scratch resistant.Reduces 35 percent of blue light transmission from the displayFrom the manufacturer3M Privacy Products
Featuring microlouver technology pioneered, designed and optimized by 3M to block side views so you see your screen clearly while people on either side see a vivid golden shield.Privacy is the best policy
These days, screens are everywhere. And so are visual hackers. With the increase of mobile workers, open workspaces, and the migration of data to the cloud, computer screens can display private information virtually anywhere.An unprotected screen can expose sensitive and private information, trade secrets and business plans. And the reality is, a visual hacker may only need one piece of valuable information to unlock a large-scale data breach.A leader in screen privacy and protection
For more than 30 years, 3M has been advancing optical technology to deliver the gold standard in visual privacy. We remain a trusted global leader today—continuing to improve our technology, features and breadth of product.Display and device technology continues to advance. So do we. Our privacy filters work simply and beautifully on most of today’s monitors to help protect your screens, and help keep the information on them private.Behind the simplicity of our products is a powerful combination of optical science and sheer ingenuity you’ve come to expect from 3M. Rest assured, our products are inspected for quality defects, ensuring that you get authentic 3M Privacy Filters, with science applied to life.Visual hacking: when information is visually captured without permission. But we’ve got you covered.Gold standard in privacy
3M Gold Privacy Filters are perfectly suited for most of today’s high-resolution monitors. Maintain optical clarity while projecting a vivid golden shield to side views.How privacy filters work
3M Privacy Filters block side views outside the 60 degree viewing angle, while providing a crisp, clear view to those directly in front of the screen.Microlouver technology
A single microlouver is about as thin as a single strand of hair. There are thousands of microlouvers within one 3M Privacy Filter—all virtually undetectable by the human eye.Attachment options
3M Gold Privacy Filters for Monitors attach with optically clear adhesive strips or easily removable slide mount tabs.Find the right privacy filter for your screen好物分享限量不等人的Step 1: Determine your screen type
Does your device have a raised bezel or a flat front glass screen?Raised bezel: Screen with a raised frame around the edges.Flat front glass: Screen with edge-to-edge glass without a raised frame.Step 2: Measure your screen
For a raised bezel screen, measure the height (h) and width (w) of the screen's viewable area within the bezel.For a flat front glass screen, measure the height (h) and width (w) of the entire glass display.Step 3: Find your filter
Use the measurements to select the right sized filter for your device from the products listed below.限定商品網友一致推薦Best fit tip: If you don't see a filter that matches your measurements, select a filter that is larger yet closest to your measurements.
Product description
Color:Gold | Style:19' Widescreen (16:10 Aspect Ratio)
3M Gold Privacy Filters keep confidential information private when working in public places. User sees clearly while people on either side see a vivid golden screen.Product information
Color:Gold | Style:19' Widescreen (16:10 Aspect Ratio)
Technical Details
Collapse all購物暢銷排行
Screen Size 19 inches
Other Technical Details
Brand Name 3M
Series GF190W1B
Item model number GF190W1B
Item Weight 9.3 ounces評價最新
Product Dimensions 10.1 x 0 x 16.1 inches
Item Dimensions L x W x H 10.05 x 0.02 x 16.06 inches
Color Gold
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【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜?好用嗎,【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜?評價怎麼樣, 【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜? 去哪買?,【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜? 比較評比, 【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜? 使用評比, 【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜? 開箱文, 【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜? 推薦, 【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜? 評測文, 【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜? CP值, 【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜? 評鑑大隊, 【本日刷卡折扣】 [106美國直購] 3M GF190W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 19吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -哪裡買便宜? 部落客推薦
傻眼!餐桌擺滿「競選衛生紙」 網笑:來一趟半年不用買
年底九合一選舉競爭激烈,不少候選人造勢活動、宣傳廣告紛紛開跑。有網友在臉書「爆廢公社」 po 出照片,只見餐桌上擺滿各種印有競選廣告的衛生紙,就連瓶裝水也一併附上,讓原 PO 疑惑問:「可以告訴我這一桌是來吃什麼的嗎?」
從原 PO 上傳的照片可見,餐桌上擺滿高雄市議員的競選小物,仔細一數,每個人都可以拿到多達 5 包衛生紙、 1 包濕紙巾及 1 瓶瓶裝水,甚至因數量太多沒有位置,有些只能放到碗盤上,誇張景象讓原 PO 看了超傻眼,直問「可以告訴我這一桌是來吃什麼的嗎…?」並調侃「這個面紙擺盤擺的還挺整齊的,互不干擾」。
貼文一出,網友紛紛笑回「不錯啊!面紙、濕紙巾很實用,吃完擦嘴擦手,每個人都有不用相擠」、「來一趟 大概你家廁所半年不用買衛生紙」、「讓我想起某年裡有好幾個月沒買過衛生紙的日子」、「這告訴我們宴客日期,不要挑在選舉前」、「吃衛生紙大餐,看不出來嗎?」也有網友分享「以前做喜宴餐廳真的很常看到,選舉要到了就一堆人來發面紙」,引發熱議。
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